Monday 21 February 2011

Bronzer and Beyond

It’s been ages since I last blogged I know, but I haven’t been utterly negligent- I’ve been out in the world learning lots of exciting things to report back to you.
There are two things my life revolves around right now, and they are fitness and hair care.
This is just as well, as I have two things in my possession:
·       A gym membership
·       Too much time on my hands
As a curly haired girl, blow-drying/straightening does unspeakable damage, so as always here are some quick tips which will apply to all:
·       At least once a week leave conditioner in for a full hour
·       NEVER blow-dry your hair 100%, allow it to dry maybe 50% naturally first
·       When you can, wash and condition your hair before heading into the Sauna- this will open hair follicles and condition more effectively. Stay for about 10 minutes or however long you can last (or before someone thinks it’s ok to be NAKED in the sauna. It’s not) before washing out conditioner.

Now, a tanning habit can be similar to a serious drug habit in that the longer you indulge in the high, the worse the come down will be (read: the more severe your patches will be). My favourite fake tan right now is St.Moriz- an instant self tanning mousse, which will keep you patch free for a healthy week and a half. This is only if you take care of your tan and do not  fake tan every single day- if you build it up too quickly you’ll be patching all over the place for Christ sake. You can tan for maybe two days at a time, and take a moisturising day in-between (But you must also moisturise everyday anyway)

If you’ve paid attention and followed my rules you will have a gleaming tan and hair to showcase, and what better place than the gym, it’s full of men! The ridiculous amount of attention you’ll receive will be motivation enough to maintain the routine.
But you should know this now- these men are wonderful to look at but can’t be mistaken for dating material. They’re hot, but essentially chavs. You know, the type of man who wears a tool belt but doesn’t know how to spell it.
Unfortunately after going to the gym everyday for 2 weeks (sometimes TWICE a day) I still haven’t lost any weight, but have developed quite muscular arms. Will keep you posted on any success.

Extra notes: If a slimmer/more tanned girl with bigger hair arrives leave immediately, the gym is no longer yours.